Hi peeps of the universe! I wonder if aliens read my blog.
Sorry I haven't been posting a lot. I've been sick with a really really bad cold and headache! But daisy has been taking care of me.
actually Daisy just a few minutes ago while I was on the couch watching TV Daisy hopped up and laid down right on top of my belly! for a while and then she left me and so did Kiki who was also on the couch.
so I went up stairs to make a new post!
Solo's coming soon!!! : D
P.S. There is a hilarious vid about how to take care of your cat here's a link! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHXBL6bzAR4
>^^< Kitty!
I think our cats are aliens, and I know for a fact that they are reading your blog! ;-)